this series is a generational exploration of the way small towns change over the years. Imagery Through the eyes and lens of generation three, captions and context through the words of generations two and one.
"dead end"

"Used to be the pool hall. you better have never gone in there."
"what a shame"
"Meredith wants to know the price of those cats in the window"
"I asked for a new subscription to the paper for Christmas"
"you're gonna wanna go down to the corner and then take a left"
"We used to close the whole street down for parades all the time"
"now that's where we had Jim's funeral supper"
"Your mom's name is on one of those bricks up there"
"This used to be the stagecoach house back when folks rode horses"
"pills and pictures"

"That church'll fall off the hill someday"


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