when i lived in habib's house
a documentary-style series capturing the interior of a communal house the artist lived in. Filled with countless stories and objects discarded by previous tenants, this once-grand house became a sort of simultaneous museum, mausoleum, and archeological site.
*UPDATE: Thanksgiving Day, 2021, this house caught fire and was destroyed. https://www.wsaz.com/2021/11/24/fire-destroys-downtown-huntington-automotive-garage-damages-two-other-buildings/

"this used to the the living room 'till Habib wanted to make more off rent. now Raymond lives here."

mystery machine

Joe and Corey don't live in the penthouse


Anthony's electronics

quarter thieves

bible on cassette

blue ten pounder with 3/4" thumb

lou + light



message from the management


balanced breakfast

rough night

rougher day


habib could pick the locks with his kroger card